Dignity at work and study

We aim to promote a working, learning, and research environment and culture, in which differences are welcomed, and harassment and bullying are known to be unacceptable.

Ensuring that both staff and students have the confidence to deal with bullying and harassment without fear of victimisation is at the core of our policy.

We operate a zero-tolerance approach to behaviours of harassment, bullying and victimisation. This means that any reports of bullying, harassment or victimisation will be treated and dealt with seriously, regardless of the seniority of those involved.

We're committed to:

  • fostering mutual respect and understanding between individuals and within its constituent communities
  • promoting equality of opportunity among employees and students alike

Where to go for support

There are a number of different people who can help you, such as:

The university's Student Support Intervention Team are available to speak to you and support you if you are experiencing any kind of violence or abuse, including harassment, hate crime, stalking, relationship abuse, sexual violence and any other inappropriate behaviour. This team can support you in the following ways:

  • managing your safety if this is an immediate concern
  • contacting you by phone, online or face to face. to talk about what you have experienced and look at options of support
  • providing you with practical support with housing, financial and academic needs with specific information on what to do if you live or study with someone who has been violent or abusive
  • signposting you to specialist agencies
  • explaining reporting options and offer support whilst reporting, if this is an option that is right for you
  • explaining the University's complaint procedures

Make a disclosure

To access the support available through the Student Support Intervention Team, you are required to make an identified disclosure using our Report & Support tool.

An anonymous disclosure option is also available using Report & Support. You can use this to make us aware of your experiences without identifying who you are, which helps us to identify patterns of violence and abuse that affect our students. If you choose to make an anonymous disclosure you will not be contacted directly.

Out of hours helpline

Live Fear Free helpline: 0808 8010 800

The Live Fear Free Helpline, delivered by Welsh Women’s Aid, is a national confidential, free phone support and information service for anyone experiencing sexual violence, domestic abuse or other forms of violence against women, or for anyone wanting more information on available support services. Open 24 hours, 365 days a year.

Freedom of speech

The Education (No 2) Act 1986 places a responsibility upon the University to protect and promote freedom of speech as far as practicably possible and within the law for staff, students and visiting speakers. The University has in place measures to ensure the exercise of freedom of speech does not amount to unlawful harassment.

This information can also be viewed on the Cardiff University Student Intranet

There are two ways you can tell us what happened